Become a member

Member Eligibility

Membership Types

Section 2.01 Membership Types

(a) Regular Membership is granted to Pendleton residents and permits the right to vote in all matters brought before the PNC.

(b) Friends of PNC Membership - An individual or entity (i.e., business, institution, school) may request that they become a Friend of the PNC. A party seeking the Friend status may file a petition with an Officer and approved by a majority vote of the membership. This type of nonresident membership does not possess voting privileges and cannot hold office; this membership type entitles them to be included on all communications of the PNC and to actively participate in regular meetings and business. They may serve on standing committees, but not the Nominating Committee.

i. Dues for Friends of the PNC members shall be set at the same amount as they are for individuals who have regular membership and shall be renewed annually.

ii. "Friends of the PNC" members shall be at least 18 years of age, without regard to housing type, race, gender, religion, creed, national origin or sexual orientation.

Membership eligibility

Section 2.02 Eligibility for Regular Membership

Regular Membership is open to all adult residents (>18 years) maintaining their primary legal residence (as defined by the State of Ohio) within the boundaries described in Section 1.02 above, without regard to housing type, race, gender, religion, creed, national origin or sexual orientation.

(a) Proof of residency and/or primary residency may be requested and can be evidenced by rental lease, rent receipt, current utility bill, property deed, housing contract, current driver’s license, or other documentation deemed acceptable by the PNC’s membership.

membership status

Section 2.03 Acquiring Member Status

A person otherwise eligible for Membership in the PNC under Section 2.02 of these Bylaws shall become a "Member" of the PNC at such time as the eligible member pays the annual Membership dues.

(a) Renewing members continue to have voting privileges and be eligible to hold office.

(b) Once a waiting period of sixty (60) days has passed after from payment of dues, a new dues paying Member shall be given voting privileges.

(c) Annual Membership dues shall be collected prior to the annual election meeting.

i. Membership dues shall be five (5.00) dollars per member per year, ten (10.00) dollars per family.

ii. The membership is renewable each year up to the annual meeting.

(d) A member whose membership lapses may renew and not be subjected to the new member waiting period, as long as the renewal occurs in the next membership year. A lapsed membership over a year (lapsing at the first Annual Meeting and not renewing until after the next Annual Meeting) shall be considered a “new” member.

(e) Dues may be changed by a majority vote of members present at the Annual Meeting.

Section 2.04 Resignation and Termination

A Member shall remain a Member so long as they are eligible and pay Membership dues as they become due, but may unilaterally and voluntarily withdraw Membership at any time.

Electronic payment of dues

If you prefer non-electronic payment of dues, email us for additional details